Our focus is on the future you envision

You certainly have an idea of what you’d like to do with your well-earned retirement after a lifetime of hard work. It may include traveling the country or seeing the world, buying a second home up in the mountains or on the beach. Perhaps it includes focusing on your favorite hobbies, whether it’s tending a farm or creating arts and crafts. And, of course, it also includes spending more time with your family and friends.

At Wealth Intelligence, we focus first and foremost on what is important to you.

The fancy financial term for this is goals-based planning, and it simply means we measure success by how you are progressing toward your goals rather than against some arbitrary benchmark like the S&P stock index. Because we know it's not so much what you do with your money, it’s what you want to do with your life.

The S&P 500 is an unmanaged index of 500 widely held stocks generally considered representative of the U.S. stock market.

Now let’s see about getting you there

While you have a pretty good idea of where you’d like to see yourself down the road, you may have difficulty seeing exactly how to get there. This is when we roll up our sleeves and put all of our experience and capabilities to work for you, customizing a financial strategy and plan designed to present the path forward with more clarity and confidence.

Forbes Best-In-State Wealth Advisors 2024

Congratulations to Bryan Oglesby for making the Forbes Best-In-State Wealth Advisor's list for 2024.

“We’re pragmatic at heart. We’re ready to roll up our sleeves and tackle even the most complicated financial situations.”
Bryan Oglesby, CFP®; Founder, Wealth Intelligence